Sustainable Building Design

Design efficiency is universally acknowledged and refers to both structure and the using of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient throughout a building’s life cycle: from siting, design, and construction, to operation, maintenance, and renovations, and finally to future demolition and disposal. It’s a sustainable creation that thinks about the future from the outset.

Sustainable buildings are designed and constructed to high environmental standards, minimising energy and water consumption, and making use of construction materials which are low embodied energy and resource efficient. They also enhance the natural environment and safeguard human health.

Considerations for sustainable building design would include:

Environment: and the conservation and enhancement of the site ecology and bio-diversity.

Energy: minimising energy consumption, high levels of insulation, reviews of solar gain, shelter from prevailing winds, maximising daylight, energy efficient lighting.

Water: consumption of water efficiency, rainwater harvesting, water efficient appliances and the prevention of flooding and pollution.

Transport: locations close to public services, proximity of amenities and places of work.

Materials: use of long-life materials of low environmental impact, avoidance of toxic materials

Health and Well-being: use of non-toxic finishes and materials, natural daylighting, freedom from noise, internal air quality, private external green space and integration with local surroundings.

Affordability: minimise the cost of ownership: if it isn`t affordable, it cannot truly be sustainable.


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Design. Rational and Sequential

Posted in Architectural & Interior Design on 31 Jan, 2025

Great architecture can make our world a better place by creating a positive experience. In other words, great design not only transforms spaces, but it also can transform our experience of the world, connecting with us on an emotional level.

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Research Facility, Warwick

Category: Architectural & Interior Design

This development is for a medical research facility. It is a complete new build scheme and comprises of offices and a laboratory at the business end as well as staff welfare facilities and corporate hospitality. 

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