Introducing Argonaut Homes Ltd

Introducing Argonaut Homes Ltd
to Architecture
on Feb 17, 2025
Argonaut Homes Ltd is a company wholly owned by the same Directors that own Thorpe Whyman and Briggs Ltd. Effectively, Argonaut Homes is one of Thorpe Whyman and Brigg`s clients.
The activities of the company are in the field of Property Investment and Development. Argonaut has land and property `finders`, who pass the details of potential land and property investments and opportunities for development to them and Argonaut then appoints Thorpe Whyman and Briggs Ltd for its Architectural support from concept design to handover.
Meanwhile Argonaut Homes undertakes all the relevant due diligence, has Solicitors who work with us repeatedly on different schemes, Development Brokers who source funding for us, and keep a check on the Development Appraisal prepared at the start of the project.
We didn`t just jump in to the demanding role either. We took advice, completed 2 years of learning with a recognised team of private investors and developers who had seen it, done, knew the pitfalls and had worn out the T-shirt years ago. So, it was tough and challenging but probably the best decision to make.
Today, we have a lot of contacts in Property, we have people we can turn to who would offer us any help required and it`s surprising the number of people who are prepared to do just that.